Euro Andina is a company created in 2011, incorporated pursuant to the laws of Bolivia. We apply our competences to technical, commercial or humanitarian mission, to crisis management and to cooperation between countries.

Technical and commercial services

Euro Andina main activities include technical and commercial consulting, custom logistics, and management and implementation of the resources needed for missions we are trusted with.

We accumulated over nearly ten years a solid understanding of Bolivian administrative norms, especially those relative to import-export. Our knowledge and status enable us to work with public or private entities.

Training Services

Our competences also cover university and professional training. We elaborate on our own or within a partnership cooperation programmes in those domains, as well as orientation and selection tools for technical, university or professional training.


We chose trust as a our code of conduct. We comply therefore with rigorous professionnal ethics, and only accept missions to which we bring a real added value.

Euro Andina's team master the norms and current legal practices in the countries where missions take place, and comply strictly with those, resorting where applicable to experts recognized and duly accredited by related authorities.